Dr. Kamrun Nahar
Dr. kamrun Nahar, Professor (Full), has joined DESM as a full time faculty of Spring 2012, where she has been working as an adjunct faculty since fall 2006, she is an Agronomist and a biofuel researcher.She earned her PhD degree on Plant Physiology and Soil chemistry at the Department of Applied Plant Sciences and Plant Biotechnology, University of Applied and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
Research, Publications &
As an agronomist and researcher specializing in sustainable feedstock production from nonfood and drought resistant energy crops, Dr. Nahar has considerable expertise in utilizing oilseed crops to produce biodiesel and usable byproducts by chemical processes.

Publications & Books
With 25 years of research experience on the field, greenhouse, laboratory, and with tissue culture techniques, she frequently publishes research articles in peer-reviewed academic and scientific journals and books...

With passing years, the implications of energy crisis is being understood. Biofuels are an important concept to this equation of decarbonized fuel sources. Second generation energy crops are increasingly becoming...